Sunday, September 14, 2014
Three Tomatoes Trattoria Rutland
Cocktails at 5 PM | Dinner 6:30 PM | Live Auction 7:30
2017 Golf Planning Committee
Dom Serino, Chairman
Ronald J. Cioffi, Rutland Area VNA & Hospice
Christine Hoard, Rutland Area VNA & Hospice
Marc Miele, Rutland Area VNA & Hospice
Kathleen O'Connor-West, Rutland Area VNA & Hospice
Stacie Eaton, Long Trail Brewery
Traci Moore, Rutland Health Foundation
About Bella Notte
Bella Notte is an evening of celebration to raise essential funds to benefit the Hospice program of the Rutland Area Visiting Nurse Associaiton & Hospice and our affiliate offices. Graciously hosted by Allen & Deedie Frey of Three Tomatoes Trattoria, the annual charity dinner and auction provides sponsors, donors and guests with the opportunity to enjoy fine food and company, all in the name of helping terminally ill patients.
Bella Notte Planning Committee
Robyn Schmitt, Chair
Stacy Baker, Three Tomatoes Trattoria
William H. Bannerman, Board of Directors
Ronald J.Cioffi, Rutland Area VNA & Hospice
Melissa Faignant, Rutland Area VNA & Hospice
Collin Fingnon, B&F Financial Analytics
Allen Frey, Three Tomatoes Trattoria
Mary Ann Goulette, Town of West Rutland
Sara C. King, Rutland Area VNA & Hospice
Mark Lawrence, Quickprint
Juanita Morris, Rutland Area VNA & Hospice
Michele Nelson, Velco
Mark Patten, Patten Oil
Domenic Serino, Rutland Health Foundation
Laura Vien, Rutland Area VNA & Hospice
Bernadette C. Robin, CFRE-Event Coordinator
802.747.3634 or
Thank You to Our Presenting Sponsor
Event Sponsors